Freitag, 16. April 2010

VMWare Remote Console and Firefox 3.6

Since I updated to Firefox 3.6 the VMWare plugin for web access to the remote console doesn't work anymore. I can view and restart my machines but but the console is failing with "Cannot access virtual machine console. The request timed out.".

In the forum I found a list of options how to solve this problem until the plugin will be updated. I was following Peter's suggestion to use the plugin files manually by creating a desktop short for the machine but that didn't work for me. So here is how to run the remote console by hand.

Find the VMWare plugin in your Firefox folder:


You need to change uiu7quov.default to your profile folder.

From here you can connect to your vmware with:

vmware-vmrc.exe -h serverIP:8333 -M machineID

You should know your serverIP but you can find it together with the machineID in the web interface. Just select your VM and click right below "Commands" on "Gerate Virtual Machine Shortcut". The link from the web shortcut contains what you need:


Have fun!

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